Grant Application Guidelines

The Focus

The Roger Kresge Foundation concentrates grant funding on projects and organizations that enhance, expand and improve the lives and outcomes of children and young adults.

Grants are awarded to organizations with current tax-exempt status as a qualified non-profit organization under Section 501(c) (3) of the Internal Revenue Code.

Support is primarily granted to organizations located in, or directly assisting residents of Broome County, New York.

Grantee organization may also inquire about grant applications for special or new and innovative projects or programs.

Funding Restrictions

  • The Foundation will not lend or grant money to individuals.
  • The Foundation does not make awards for sponsorships or donations.
  • The Foundation does not fund churches or other organizations for religious purposes.
  • As a general rule the Foundation does not provide continuing support. Our hope is to help organizations become self-sustaining through program and project income.

To begin the grant process

  • All Grantee organization must contact the Roger Kresge Foundation by phone, letter or email before the 15th of March for the April 1st deadline or before the 1st of August for the August 15th deadline prior to submission of the application.
  • All applicants must receive a Grant Number prior to proceeding with the application process.

Contact Information

Carol Kresge, Executive Director
Roger Kresge Foundation
257 Riverside Drive
Johnson City, NY 13790

  • You must contact Executive Director before the 15th of March for the April 1st deadline or before the 1st of August for the August 15th deadline prior to submission of the Grant Application Packet .
  • The grant application deadlines are April 1 and August 15 of each year.
  • Return a completed hard copy cover sheet, application and additional information, postmarked no later than April 1 or August 15, by mail, to:
    Roger Kresge Foundation
    257 Riverside Drive
    Johnson City, NY 13790
  • For construction or equipment projects a minimum of two bids from viable contractors or suppliers must be provided.
  • The Foundation Board of Directors meet in June and November to consider grant funding proposals.
  • Organizations will be notified of grant award or declination in July and December of each year.


Key Dates

  • You must contact Executive Director before the 15th of March for the April 1st deadline or before the 1st of August for the August 15th deadline prior to submission of the Grant Application Packet .
  • The grant application deadlines are April 1 and August 15 of each year.
  • Return a completed hard copy cover sheet, application and additional information, postmarked no later than April 1 or August 15, by mail, to:
    Roger Kresge Foundation
    257 Riverside Drive
    Johnson City, NY 13790

Grant Number

  • All applicants must receive a Grant Number prior to proceeding with the application process.


  • Please contact Executive Director for Applications and Report Forms.